Kimono Robe Sewing Patterns | DRCOS Patterns & How To Make

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Although it looks like a kimono, as you can see from the pattern, it's a quite irregularly shaped robe pattern.

To give a three-dimensional effect around the neck, it's structured using cotton fusible interlining inside.

The sleeves flare towards the hem, but two tucks on the upper side create volume, resulting in an open structure from the upper side.

It's cut back at the waist to create a structure resembling a kimono attachment at the bottom.

The length is below the knees, but it's quite easy to lengthen, so feel free to customize it.

After printing, paste it according to the pasting line,Cut and use.

The pattern has a seam allowance, so it can be used as is.

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The production process is explained with translation software.

* To prevent shifting at the armhole, the "Sleeve" is attached last with the seam allowance (S/A) portion facing inward.

* If you prefer not to expose the seam allowance (S/A) at the armhole, complete the shape of both the right side and lining, then sew each part together while flipping it inside out.

(1) Stitch together the Back center line of the "Body" and "Body" lining, then press the seam allowance (S/A) with an iron and apply pile fusible interlining to the lining.

(2) Stitch together the lower sides of the "Body" and "Body" lining, then press the seam allowances open with an iron.

(3) Fold the decorative fabric along the folding line and sew it onto the lower part of the "Front bodice".

(4) Stitch together the lower part Back center line of the "Back bodice", then sew the lower part of the "Front bodice" and side together, and press the seam allowances open with an iron.

(5) Sew together the "Body" and lower part, then press the seam allowance (S/A) downwards with an iron.

(6) Shape the "Body" lining and lower part lining using the steps (4) and (5).

(7) With one opening left for flipping inside out, sew around the perimeter of the completed shape of the "Body" and lining with right sides together, then flip it inside out and iron to shape.

(8) Close the flipped part with blind stitches.

(9) Stitch together the sides of the "Sleeve" and "Sleeve" lining, then press the seam allowances open with an iron.

(10) Align the "Sleeve" and "Sleeve" lining with right sides together, then stitch the "Sleeve" hem together, flip it inside out, and iron to shape.

(11) Make temporary stitches and tucks at the armhole part of the "Sleeve".

(12) Attach the "Sleeve" to the "Body" and serge/overlock the armhole.

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Ladies'-LKimono Robe Sewing Patterns
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Ladies'-LLKimono Robe Sewing Patterns
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hip~40.6in length47in 42sheets of A4 size(or legal size)

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Men's-LKimono Robe Sewing Patterns
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hip~42.5in length48.4in 42sheets of A4 size(or legal size)

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