Blazer 3 Sewing Patterns | DRCOS Patterns & How To Make

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As with Blazer II, it was difficult to understand the structure of the tailor's collar, so we made it into a pattern.

Unlike Blazer II, the length is a little longer and simple side vents are attached to both sides.

The simple vents are made by simply folding them, so the difficult parts such as shifting the seam allowance, etc. are omitted.

The armhole portion of the sleeve is constructed with a slight ease stitch.

When attaching the lining, please use the "facing line" to create the lining pattern.

The blazer is designed to be slightly open in the front, so it is different from a blazer worn with the buttons fastened.

The chest has a welt pocket and the waist has a double piping pocket with a flap, so the difficulty level is a little high.

If you do not use pockets, you can reduce the difficulty by simply adding dummy pockets and dummy flaps.

The design is based on the assumption that a vest will be worn inside, so there is a little slack around the chest area.

If you want to wear it tight, I think it is possible to wear it even if you drop one size because it is designed not to fasten the front.

After printing, paste it according to the pasting line,Cut and use.

The pattern has a seam allowance, so it can be used as is.

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  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts
  • Clip art of sleeve parts

How to make Aladdin Pants

The production process is explained with translation software.

* If lining is required, please use the lines of the "facing" as a reference to create the lining pattern.

* For those who do not need a "pocket," simply attach a Fake pocket.

* If vents are not required, please cut off the vent section and use it accordingly.

(1) Stitch the darts of the "Front bodice" and press with an iron.

Icon image of Paper pattern making pointHow to sew darts

(2) Apply fusible interlining to each respective piece.

(3) Create each "pocket" at the "pocket" positions.

(4) Fold and iron the "Collar" and Lapel decorations, then stitch them in place along the decoration lines.

* Since decorations add thickness to the tailor part, retrofitting is also an option.

(5) Sew together the "front facing" and "Back facing," press open the seam allowance with an iron, then serge/overlock the outer edges.

Icon image of Paper pattern making pointHow to Serge/overlock (sewing machine & overlock sewing machine)

(6) Serge/overlock the shoulder, side, side vents of the "Front bodice" and "Back bodice," the Back center line of the "Back bodice," and both sides of the inner and outer "Sleeve."

(7) Stitch together the shoulder of the "Front bodice" and "Back bodice," press open the seam allowance with an iron.

* If shaping is difficult with an iron, using topstitch to open the seam allowance neatly is advisable.

(8) Attach the "Collar" to the "facing" and "Body" following steps (A) to (C), and press the seam allowances open with an iron.

* After stitching, remove any excess fusible interlining and trim the seam allowance itself to reduce thickness.

(9) Stitch the sides of the "Body" up to the Sewing stop position, press open the seam allowance with an iron.

(10) Serge/overlock the "Body" hem, shape the hem with an iron, and when attaching the "facing" to the "Body," also blind stitch the side vents.

Icon image of Paper pattern making pointHow to sew Facing and Hem

* Although it is a simplified side vent, it should be fine when opened, but if concerned, please fix it with a blind stitch.

(11) Stitch the Back center line of the "Body," press open the seam allowance with an iron.

(12) Stitch together the sides of the inner and outer "Sleeve," press open the seam allowance with an iron.

* The seam allowance of the "Sleeve" can be opened with topstitching, even if it's very close to the armhole.

(13) Serge/overlock the "Sleeve" hem, fold it by 1cm and stitch it with a sewing machine.

(14) Place ease stitches at the ease stitch positions of the "Sleeve," attach the "Sleeve" to the "Body," and serge/overlock the armhole.

(15) Attach buttons at the button positions and sew buttonholes at the buttonhole positions.

Icon image of Paper pattern making pointHow to sew on buttons

Icon image of Paper pattern making pointHow to make buttonholes

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Children-140 sizeBlazer 2 Sewing Patterns
Can be downloaded

shoulder14.2in bust32.7in(Open front design) length24.6in 16sheets of A4 size(or legal size)
Sleeve parts 43 size

Ladies'-S sizeBlazer 2 Sewing Patterns
Can be downloaded

shoulder16.3in bust37.4in(Open front design) length26.2in 19sheets of A4 size(or legal size)
Sleeve parts 44 size

Ladies'-M sizeBlazer 3 Sewing Patterns
Can be downloaded

shoulder16.7in bust40.9in(Open front design) length27in 20sheets of A4 size(or legal size)
Sleeve parts 46 size

Ladies'-L sizeBlazer 2 Sewing Patterns
Can be downloaded

shoulder17.1in bust44.1in(Open front design) length28in 22sheets of A4 size(or legal size)
Sleeve parts 47 size

Ladies'-LL sizeBlazer 2 Sewing Patterns
Can be downloaded

shoulder17.7in bust46.5in(Open front design) length29.1in 23sheets of A4 size(or legal size)
Sleeve parts 51 size

Men's-L sizeBlazer 2 Sewing Patterns
Can be downloaded

shoulder18.9in bust48in(Open front design) length30.3in 25sheets of A4 size(or legal size)
Sleeve parts 55 size

Men's-LL sizeBlazer 2 Sewing Patterns
Can be downloaded

shoulder19.3in bust49.8in(Open front design) length31.1in 26sheets of A4 size(or legal size)
Expanded sleeve parts 56 sizes to 105%

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