Gaiter Sewing Patterns | DRCOS Patterns & How To Make

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This is a pattern for a simplified Ootsu Kyahan that is tied with upper and lower strings without using KOHAZE (metal fasteners).

It is a piece of fabric wrapped around the lower leg area to facilitate movement, commonly used for wide-legged pants or hakama.

In the reference photo, it is shown being used around the ankles of hakama pants.

After printing, paste it according to the pasting line,Cut and use.

The pattern has a seam allowance, so it can be used as is.

How to make Aladdin Pants

I'm not so good at English.

So all explanations/instructions were translated using AI.

This is not always perfect and I apologise for any parts that are difficult to follow.

* When you want to stabilize the shape, use thick fusible interlining.

(1) Attach fusible interlining to the lining.

(2) Stitch the back sides of the "Body" and lining together, and press open the seam allowance with an iron.

(3) Fold the cord with an iron to shape it, then sew it on a sewing machine.

* If dealing with the cord is troublesome, it's okay to substitute it with store-bought cord.

(4) While tucking the cord inward at the cord attachment position, sew the "Body" and lining together with a French seam.

* For a French seam, leave about 6cm open at the hem, then after turning it inside out, shape it with an iron and finish by sewing with topstitch.

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Ladies'-F 18cmGaiter Sewing Patterns
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Ladies'-F 19cmGaiter Sewing Patterns
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Ladies'-F 20cmGaiter Sewing Patterns
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Ladies'-F 21cmGaiter Sewing Patterns
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21cm 2sheets of A4 size(or legal size)

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Ladies'-F 22cmGaiter Sewing Patterns
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22cm 2sheets of A4 size(or legal size)

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