Secret trick! How to make bias tape
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Usually bias tape is made from cotton fabrics or other materials that can be easily ironed into shape... but!
There are times when you want to use shiny polyester-based bias tape, right?
I want to use special materials such as gold and silver! I wish I could make bias tape with shiny satin or other shiny materials... For those who wish to do so, I would like to introduce a secret technique!
Again, a tape maker is used to make bias tape.
The fabric used for this test is a golden satin fabric that is difficult to shape with an iron.
It is 100% polyester, but will it really take shape with an iron?
So let's give it a try and see what happens.
We will iron with a 25mm tape maker.
Even after careful ironing, it will end up like this
It is difficult to make even 25mm wide because the fabric slides.And it is hard to use it as bias tape if it opens up so much!
What makes it difficult to shape is that it is polyester and the fabric is too thin. So, we make a one-step effort! Here's what we do!
After ironing the thin, soft fusible interlining to the reverse side, the bias is cut.
"Thin and soft fusible interlining!" is the important part!
Thick or stiff fusible interlining is very difficult to use as a bias.
Now let's take the one with the fusible interlining on it,I will iron it on with a tape maker as before.
The shape is more firmly attached than before!
If this method does not give a good shape, try ironing the bias and then inserting it into a weighted magazine while the bias is still hot.
The hot bias can be shaped firmly by being cooled suddenly.
Side by side, you can see that the folds are nicer with the fusible interlining applied.
This is a bit of a tedious step, but it makes it easier to make "double-type" bias tape. Let's fold it a little and compare.
Both are ironed into shape for a double finish.
As explained before, iron by shifting the iron by about 1 to 1.5 mm. For heat sensitive fabrics such as satin, we recommend ironing from the reverse side.
The bias with fusible interlining has become a beautiful "bias tape double"!
The bias without fusible interlining is saggy and not in very usable condition.
Now you can make bias tape on slightly different polyester-based fabrics that are difficult to iron into shape!
However, be careful of the ironing temperature for fabrics that are difficult to mold with an iron!
High temperatures or persistent ironing can cause melting, shrinkage, or discoloration.
Make sure to watch the surface of the dough closely to make sure there are no problems.